Dear friends,
It is difficult to find the words to thank you for the incredible sendoff Wallyn and I received after announcing my retirement. On January 7th, and January 14th we were surrounded by people we have grown to love at Mooreton Lutheran and Faith Lutheran who went out of their way to make our journey into a new phase of our lives unforgettable. We are still going through the many cards and gifts we received. Memories of the lovely meals served after worshipping together, listening to our Sunday School children sing so beautifully and the warm words of gratitude and often accompanied by hugs, left both of us with tears streaming down our cheeks.
Twenty-two years ago, we began to walk the path of serving Jesus together. I have been privileged to baptize so many of your children and grandchildren, officiate as so many of our youth have affirmed their faith, stood in the front of the Sanctuary as I was privileged to officiate over beautiful weddings and somber funerals of people I had worked with, shared meals with, visited in the hospital or nursing home. I will always treasure our meaningful Ash Wednesday, Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter morning worship services.
My faith journey and Wallyn’s as well, have been deepened and grown even more mature during our time with you. Your words of encouragement, appreciation and respectful listening to me preaching sermon after sermon have enriched my appreciation of the Gospel of life and the hope we live with because our gracious God sent His only Son to ensure the forgiveness of our sins and the promise of eternal life.
The well known phrase, “It takes a village” is familiar to most of you. When I think of how it applies to all of you in Mooreton & Faith, my mind is flooded with examples. It can involve talents that are seen such as music, teaching Sunday School, serving on church council or helping serve wonderful meals at church gatherings. It also could not come together without the countless “behind the scenes” work of so many who clean church, serve on alter guild, volunteer for a prayer chain, or offer rides to others for church events. And now as you move on into the future my prayer is that “your village” will continue to thrive and that God will bless you richly. And so, the two simple words,” thank you” are said with full hearts that we have been privileged to walk this faith journey with you.
With much love, Pastor
Gordy and Wallyn